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blog des textes de poete fada (frederic cotta)

29 mars 2010

Just you

I'm leaving work
To be with you
I wanna hold you tight
and keep you warm

I wanna be where you are
Here or there but just with you
Keep your heart warm
On the winter blade

I feel so sad
When you're not with me
All day long
I can't stop thinking about you

I feel empty the way
Is a cola bottle
and I Would do my best
Just to keep you warm until I rest

Until there,
I wanna be where you are
Hear your voice calling our kids
Feel your chest when you breath
warm your heart the way I only can do

Pour Vanessa
Frédéric COTTA (poete-fada)
Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons.

Creative Commons License

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