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blog des textes de poete fada (frederic cotta)

23 août 2008


when the dark is coming and the moon is rising,
All the feelings you've got inside trying to be free,
Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it makes you happy,
But all of them are the proof you're still alive,

When the night has come and you're dreaming
All those feelings makes you free
Free to have frightening, to be glamourous or to live thrilling stories
Where love sometimes come without anger

When the sun is rising and the sky is purple
nobody seems to be awaken when you open your eyes
You smell the perfume of fresh flowers near from your cushion
Do you think at me as I do everyday ?

When you rise and drink cofee
Listening in one distracted ear news of the day
When you take your shower listening to my songs
Will you hear me screaming my love to you ?

Frederic COTTA (poete-fada)
23 août 2008
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