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blog des textes de poete fada (frederic cotta)

27 déc. 2008

life might goes by

I feel the passion in your heart
My regrets are all about
Because it's not for me you're looking at

I know how intense are your thought
When he touch you and how your skin
React to his caresses

I want to possess one like you
All my life I've been searching
For this simple life you're giving him

Am I jalous ? I don't think so !
You two deserve it, I'm just asking myself
When I'll be loved same way alike

All I'm wishing is some love
All I'm asking is someone
That would cherish all I'm about

Someone that would take for real my fantasies
Make our kids a reality
Someone that I would care about

Life might goes by

Frédéric COTTA (poete-fada)
27 décembre 2008
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