people were saying that negros and arabics were responsible of the diseases of the society. What I would like you to understand is that white guys can be bad guys too.
That's why I'm writing this song today and I believe people will understand.
White guys can be bad guys too when they drive their fancy car
with 2.5 and more alcool in blood. White guys can be bad guys too,
bad guys too, bad guys too
when they are President of the United States of America
and he is versus abortion and would like to create new nuclear and bacteriologic weapons.
White guys can be bad guys too
when they little kids buying cigarettes or getting them into wars.
White guys can be bad guys too, bad guys too, bad guys too.
Repeat after me :
White guys can be bad guys too,
bad guys too,
bad guys too.
Once again ?
White guys can be bad guys too,
bad guys too,
bad guys too.
Come on all of you,
White guys can be bad guys too,
bad guys too,
bad guys too,
White guys can be bad guys too,
bad guys too,
bad guys too,
bad guys too,
bad guys too.
But this ain't a song just to say that White people can do bad things ...
They aren't all like this as Blacks or Arabics or Asiatics or Martians are not like that.
There are good people and others. Anyone of us is abble to make suffer.
All the difference is : can I do something else than making you suffer ?
If the answer is yes,
do anything you can not to make the others suffering.
Bye bye all, have a nice night and don't forget White guys,
Black guys, Asiatic Guys, Arabic Guys,
Everyone can be bad guys too,
bad guys too,
bad guys too.
Frédéric COTTA (poete-fada)
22 Août 2001
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