Why do people are so rude ? Don't ever try to understand !
You're crying on your best friend's shoulders
On the past glory you had
If you don't even know the strengh you need to get it back
Get up and just stop !
Each new day is a renewal if you wish it.
Everything is possible if you take the necessary Crusades
If you failed, just start over again
If you've hurt someone, apologize
This is the onliest way to be forgiven
If you wanna change something, just get over and over again.
'Cause everyday is a new day
A chance to cope of the past
Recover from injuries, go beyond frustration
To start a fresh future just try again
Frédéric COTTA (poete-fada)
17 février 2009
pour Ludo : Every day is a new day ... a chance to cope from the past, recover from injuries, start a fresh future. Never forget this, never forget that I.L.Y, whatever happens.
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